Discovering the Delights of Thai Food and Bowling

A Brief History of Bowling: Bowling has a rich history dating back thousands of years. From ancient Egyptian variations to the standardized ten-pin game we know today, tracing the evolution of this sport adds depth to its allure. Conclusion: In a world constantly evolving, bowling stands as a timeless activity that bridges generations. Whether you’re…

Bollywood wedding time! pt 2

It was a friends wedding and for this particular event I got myself styled. If you are attending an ethnic wedding and in traditional attire  wearing traditional clothing is always a little tricky and I would recommend speaking to a salon a few weeks beforehand. They can provide amazing packages such as hair, makeup and…

The Malaya

Last night I celebrated my aunts birthday at the Malaya Sydney.  It was a wonderful night with too much delicious food and too many apple mojitos.   Check out my fit below  PLAYSUIT Gorman  Scarf Louis Vuitton  SHOES STAN SMITH  BRACELET Chamba Lamba, Kolkata 

Happy Diwali

Wishing a Happy Diwali to everyone celebrating!! Hope you have a special evening and a light filled year ahead x


It’s currently summer and there is the most beautiful flower wall in my neighbourhood. I’m making the most of it by drinking strawberry ice teas and taking daily instagram photos. Here are a few…..

YouTube Channel Plug and Request!!

Hi everyone! I’ve recently started an art based youtube channel and could I please request anyone who reads this to subscribe?? Being in the process of graduating from uni, I need to build up a social media presence to apply for internships. Would love it if you could click this link and subscribe! Thanks!! Ria

Malaysia Madness

I recently came back from a trip to the beautiful country of Malaysia. My family and I spent 2 weeks and explored the amazing islands of Kuala Lampur, Langkawi, and Penang. Having visited Singapore and India in the past, this was my third trip to Asia and I thoroughly enjoyed it! As this is also…

My YouTube Channel!

Hello Everyone in Bloggining Land!! Not sure how many read this again! But I will still plough on 🙂 This is a quick little post!! As mentioned in a few previous posts i’m in the limbo of university graduation and job searching and have decided to start my own youtube channel. Having gone to the…

Transplant Tips: Clinic Visits

Continuing on with this little series, I wanted to write about a familiar and all too well known part of life for transplant recipients: The Clinic Visit: Currently, I am 24 years old and live in a suburb in the North-West Sydney 20km from the CBD. Being a paediatric patient, meant I received all my…

Amazing Autumn

Soooo it’s officially Autumn!!  …And having completed my semi final semester of university I am as free as the falling leaves. I am currently looking for internships, and graduate in a few months!!! 🙂  This is a lighthearted post mostly to post some cute autumn pictures because who doesn’t love autumn or fall as you…